Soap Opera - Know (live session)

Soap Opera - Play It Cool (Live)

Soap Opera - Phone (Live)

Soap Opera – Full Performance (live session)

SOAP OPERA, formerly known as India, is a fresh four-piece indie rock outfit hailing from St. John’s, NL. The east coast of Canada has formed their sound into one that is both raw and focused as they serve up punchy and powerful grooves. The band recorded their first release "INDIA" in a live "off the floor" setting, capturing and honest, energetic and expansive display of their sound. Formed in 2016, SOAP OPERA has quickly captured the attention of many, having performed with notable Canadian acts such as By Divine Right, Hey Rosetta!, Paper Lions, Sloan, Wolf Parade , Yukon Blonde, July Talk, and most recently Broken Social Scene. Between multiple brief Eastern Canadian Tours and electric hometown shows, SOAP OPERA is currently writing new music that expands their sonic borders- pushing the boundaries of contemporary rock to the edge of vintage psychedelia.

instagram: soapopera_band